In fun and non-judgment, come and work on your voice in our singing group!
(819) 239-6232
Sercovie 300 Rue du Conseil, Sherbrooke, QC J1G 1J4 (Room 235)
Parkinson Estrie also offers its Walking Club! Alone or accompanied, come walk at your own pace and in complete safety on the marvelous trails of the Estrie region. This free activity is for everyone who wants to move outdoors, chat, meet new people and above all have fun!
Prerequisite: Be able to walk for 1 hour, take breaks if necessary.
(819) 239-6232
In Estrie. Come and discover the most beautiful trails in the region.
Low-intensity activity
Rock Steady Boxing is a program based on non-contact boxing training for people living with Parkinson’s disease.
In a global approach, the realization of the exercises allow to work on the physical and cognitive abilities. The program improves walking, coordination, strength,dexterity, etc.
Since 2006, such programs have been available in the United States. In 2017, the Rock Steady Boxing program arrives in Quebec in Sherbrooke. Andréanne Tanguay is a certified instructor and scientific director coordinator of the program.
For more information, consult
819-821-8000, extension 73871
Club de boxe de Sherbrooke, 4300 Boulevard Bourque, Sherbrooke, QC J1N 2A6
Contact directly Rock Steady Boxing for much details.
Parkinson Estrie deploys a new activity in Granby with a non-contact boxing training program adapted for people living with Parkinson’s disease, whether they are suffering from symptoms at a moderate or severe stage. Thanks to the excellent collaboration of Andréanne Tanguay, certified instructor and coordinator, scientific director of the Rock Steady Boxing Sherbrooke program, two instructors from Granby were introduced to the program. The activity, which is offered free of charge, offers boxing exercises using a global approach that challenges both their physical abilities and their cognitive functions. Team spirit and a positive attitude are at the heart of this training.
The proposed exercises aim to improve gait, coordination, strength, dexterity, voice or to stimulate attention through memory games associated with movement.
Prerequisite: be able to get up from a chair and move around without difficulty, without assistance, or significant loss of balance.
193 Rue Denison E, Granby (Speedy Gym)
Intermediate activity level
Parkinson Estrie deploys its services in Lac-Mégantic with a non-contact boxing training program adapted for people living with Parkinson’s disease, whether they are suffering from symptoms at a moderate or severe stage. Thanks to the excellent collaboration of Andréanne Tanguay, certified instructor and coordinator, scientific director of the Rock Steady Boxing Sherbrooke program, two instructors from Lac-Mégantic were introduced to the program. The activity, which is offered free of charge, offers boxing exercises using a global approach that challenges both their physical abilities and their cognitive functions. Team spirit and a positive attitude are at the heart of this training.
The proposed exercises aim to improve gait, coordination, strength, dexterity, voice or to stimulate attention through memory games associated with movement.
Prerequisite: be able to get up from a chair and move around without difficulty, without assistance, or significant loss of balance.
(819) 239-6232
Yoseikan Budo Lac-Mégantic 4154 rue Laval, Lac-Mégantic
Intermediate activity level
Course composed of adapted physical exercises mostly on a chair with a supervised standing part 1 to 1 with a kinesiologist for walking with supports and/or balance belt if necessary. Exercises to improve posture, mobility, coordination and muscle strength.
Prerequisite: None
(819) 239-6232
Sercovie 300 Rue du Conseil, Sherbrooke, QC J1G 1J4
Low-intensity activity
Course consisting of adapted physical exercises working on coordination, balance and muscle strength in order to preserve their quality of life. Prerequisite: be able to get up from a chair and move around without difficulty or significant loss of balance.
(819) 239-6232
Sercovie 300 Rue du Conseil, Sherbrooke, QC J1G 1J4
Moderate-intensity activity
Course composed of adapted physical exercises working on coordination, balance and muscular strength in order to preserve their quality of life. Prerequisite: be able to get up from a chair and move around without difficulty or significant loss of balance.
819 239-6232
Salle des chevaliers de Colomb, 620 rue Dufferin, Granby QC, J2H 0Z2
Moderate-intensity activity
Do you want to train in the gym while being supervised and motivated by a kinesiologist? Join our semi-private class, with a maximum of 6 people, to work the whole body using cardiovascular and muscular equipment. The exercises will be specific and individualized in order to preserve your quality of life.
Prerequisite: be in good physical condition, be able to get up from a chair and move around without difficulty, without help, or significant loss of balance.
(819) 239-6232
Sercovie 300 Rue du Conseil, Sherbrooke, QC J1G 1J4
Moderate-intensity activity
This training is a happy mix of adapted boxing, muscle strengthening and balance. Sequences will be dissected in order to increase the intensity of the movements gently. Offered both in chair and standing, this class will allow you to improve your coordination, cardio and transfer skills.
Prerequisite: none
(819) 239-6232
Sercovie 300 Rue du Conseil, Sherbrooke, QC J1G 1J4
Moderate-intensity activity
The dance movements are taught on a chair with standing variations according to the movements and choreographies. This is a class where the pleasure of dancing is at the heart of the work. The counsellor is a kinesiologist with expertise in dance.
Prerequisite: None unless balance issues are required, sitting will be required.
Sercovie 300 Rue du Conseil, Sherbrooke, QC J1G 1J4
Low-intensity activity
Meetings between people with Parkinson’s disease. You will be welcomed, listened to and accompanied without judgment by a professional from our team. You will be able to share your experience and discuss topics reflecting your daily life.
Monday 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. (300 rue du Conseil, Sherbrooke, Room 235)
(819) 239-6232
Sercovie 300 Rue du Conseil, Sherbrooke, QC J1G 1J4
Meetings between people with Parkinson’s disease. You will be welcomed, listened to and accompanied without judgment by a professional from our team. You will be able to share your experience and discuss topics reflecting your daily life.
Thursday 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. (online)
Richard-Goulet Community Centre 170 Rue Saint Antoine N, Granby, QC J2G 5G8
Taking on the role of caregiver involves facing many challenges that we can help you with. These groups are led by a professional from our team.
Tuesday (10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.) – Coopérative Funéraire de l’Estrie
(819) 239-6232
Coopérative Funéraire de l'Estrie 485 Rue du 24-Juin, Sherbrooke, QC J1E 1H1
Come and attend our monthly conferences on various topics related to Parkinson’s disease.
Free and open to all in hybrid format :
(819) 239-6232
Sherbrooke and Online
Free. Open to all, no registration required (Except in special cases)
Moderate-intensity outdoor snowshoe training at Victoria Park. Cardiovascular, muscular and stretching exercises are on the agenda!
*Snowshoes provided as needed
Prerequisite: be able to get up from a chair and move around without difficulty, without assistance, or significant loss of balance.
(819) 239-6232
Victoria park, Sherbrooke
Intermediate activity level